Update my Angel xx

2013 February 22

Created by Julie 11 years ago
Well since you have been gone, its been terrible, missing you every minute, hour and day that passes. I miss your touch, cries, smiles, feeds and your personality that were so infectious. I look around and i feel so lost, i still look at the baby monitor at your empty basket, play your cot mobile that i know you loved, even though daddy didn't ha-ha.. The night before you grabbed your wings i so wished i had held you for all of the night, watched your face, your expression, looking for some sign, but you went so peacefully. without a murmur or a cry or a stir. I came and sat with you every day at the funeral home where everyone were so lovely, i would sit in an armchair with you and we even read the Winnie the pooh annual together, drank coffee, chatted and sang. whilst cradling you and rocking you, feeling my heart pounding like mad knowing you were against me, resting on me, sleeping peacefully on me. You had your little Tu-Tu dress on that daddy brought you for Christmas, you were a princess in it, and looked a princess even more in it afterwards! truly stunning with your big brown eyes, that everyone adored, your thick black hair, dark skin, you were a charmer and people fell in love with you as soon as clapping eyes on you. Everyone loved you, you would peep out your eye corners, which were your trademark! Princess Damilola, I am laid here now with your soft ashes, looking at your photographs and clothes, and longing to hold you, but i know i will again one day, and believe me i cannot wait to, as next time will be forever and we will never be parted again i promise, and i will always promise you that a day will not go by that i dont speak of you, think of you or want you, your in my life everyday! And will be forever more. I love you angel, please play merrily and enjoy yourself, i am envious of everyone up there enjoying you, until my time is due. until then sweetdreams and love you lots Damilola. xxxxx